Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 2: Bangkok

So when we woke up in the morning, to say the least, we were jet legged! We left our room for an interesting breakfast included with the room and off we went into the city. WOW! The traffic is crazy with absolutely no rules on the road, which is scary when you are sitting in a taxi going 130Km/Hr.

We went to The Grand Palace which is the official residence of the Kings of Thailand from the 18th century onwards.

Then we visited Wat Pho Temple which is the largest and oldest Buddist temple in Bangkok. We took alot of pictures which are to come later.

Then the fun part...we hit the streets and went shopping with the Thai's on Koh san Rd. Lots of huslte and bustle and bartering!

We then took a break from the extreme heat in our hotel room and had a much needed cat nap. After dinner, which was a delicious dish of authentic Pad Thai, we headed to the Suam Lum night bazaare that was wild! There were more shops there than i have even seen. There were so many twists and turns, ins and outs, and they all looked the same, so it was very easy to get lost and not know where you had already been. Good deals late at night, Matt got 2 golf shirts for $3 each and more black socks for 10 cents each. Anyone want any - he has about 30 pairs now...

We picked up a couple huge 1 Ltr. beers for 55 Bahts( $1.75) each and let our feet cool off after hours of walking. It was a great day for sure!

Tomorrow we check out at noon and take a flight to Koh Samui. Stay tuned...

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